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Cost Calculator

Independent Living

Cost of living comparison

You’ve grown accustomed to a certain lifestyle. Moving into an independent living community is no reason to change that. In fact, with all of the amenities included at Lafayette, it can only enhance it. Less of the cost, more of the living. Use the chart below to figure out what you’re paying in your current home and what’s included in the independent living residences at Lafayette.

Monthly expenses What you’re paying in your current home What you’ll pay at Lafayette
$* Enter what you pay in your home Included What you'll pay at Lafayette: Included
$* Enter what you pay in your home Included What you'll pay at Lafayette: Included
$* Enter what you pay in your home Included What you'll pay at Lafayette: Included
$* Enter what you pay in your home Included What you'll pay at Lafayette: Included
$* Enter what you pay in your home Included What you'll pay at Lafayette: Included
$* Enter what you pay in your home Included What you'll pay at Lafayette: Included
$* Enter what you pay in your home Included What you'll pay at Lafayette: Included
$* Enter what you pay in your home Included What you'll pay at Lafayette: Included
$* Enter what you pay in your home Included What you'll pay at Lafayette: Included
$* Enter what you pay in your home Included What you'll pay at Lafayette: Included
$* Enter what you pay in your home Included What you'll pay at Lafayette: Included
$* Enter what you pay in your home Included What you'll pay at Lafayette: Included
$* Enter what you pay in your home Included What you'll pay at Lafayette: Included
Total Expenses $
What you'll pay at Redeemer Lafayette
*based on 1 bedroom/1 bath